#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Sharjah Art Gallery ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_1AEF078A_3B0A_E5CA_419A_D11B410AFF19.html =
The Virtual Art Exhibition “Art for All”

For the first time in the Emirate of Sharjah, Sharjah Youth is organizing a Virtual Art Exhibition titled "Art for All", under the theme of "Standing Apart is Standing Together". It seeks to achieve artistic and cultural exchanges between amateurs of all ages and artists in the United Arab Emirates, as the institution is keen to surround young people with international artworks by providing them with a platform that displays and promotes their creativity.
HTMLText_1AEF078A_3B0A_E5CA_419A_D11B410AFF19_mobile.html =
The Virtual Art Exhibition “Art for All”

For the first time in the Emirate of Sharjah, Sharjah Youth is organizing a Virtual Art Exhibition titled "Art for All", under the theme of "Standing Apart is Standing Together". It seeks to achieve artistic and cultural exchanges between amateurs of all ages and artists in the United Arab Emirates, as the institution is keen to surround young people with international artworks by providing them with a platform that displays and promotes their creativity.
## Media ### Title map_C5090424_CEAC_B816_41E5_2F185DA7D8E3.label = Top panorama_896B2BB8_8496_652E_41E0_202CAECF79B5.label = Center panorama_89FD8918_8492_E2EF_41DA_BA2D7B0A7EDA.label = Paintings_3 panorama_8A94A774_8496_6D27_4185_AE3B170D91D6.label = Paintings_Two of 20 (2) panorama_8B0F6D8A_8496_7DE3_41E0_233A25BDD58D.label = Paintings_Two of 20 (1) panorama_9421BBC5_84B2_2561_41DF_97642FC3BF26.label = Paintings_4 of 20 (C) panorama_9472FCD1_84B2_2361_41D6_15EBA1C9309C.label = Paintings_4 of 20 (B) panorama_94BF95B2_84B2_2D23_41C6_DD1966DC52C6.label = Paintings_4 of 20 (D) panorama_968BA4FF_84B2_2322_41D5_BD4D8E55EEDB.label = Paintings_4 of 20 (A) panorama_96C53AF4_8492_2726_41E0_468D68C0F3BD.label = Paintings_5 of 10 (B) panorama_973BE37C_8492_2526_41CA_2036BD9942B2.label = Paintings_5 of 10 (A)